Love & Rain Both Are Same Both Gives Our Life True Joy But Basic Difference Is Rain Wets Our Body & Love Wets Our Eyes! Once A Girl Askd Her Bf : Why We Have Units To Measure Weight, Height & Distance But Not Love, Friendship & Trust? . Boy Thought For A While . . . Took Her In His Arms, Looked Deep In Her Eyes & Said Look, DON'T Eat My Brain! I Have Already Failed In Physics :p:D A candle may melt and it's fire may die, but the love you have given me will always stay as a flame in my heart. Time will always fly, but our love will never die. Keep in touch and remember me and my love. I love my eyes when U look into them, I love my name when U say it, I love my heart when U love it, I love my life when U are in it. Whats missing in H__RT? EA or U? Pick EA & youll get a heart! If u pick U, you will get hurt! Id pick U coz its better to get hurt, Than have a heart without U. Love is good and is a good one to love I have 3 parts of my heart, . . . 1st 4 my A...