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Love Messages

Love & Rain Both Are Same
Both Gives Our Life True Joy
Basic Difference Is
Rain Wets Our Body
Love Wets Our Eyes!

Once A Girl Askd Her Bf :

Why We Have Units To Measure
Weight, Height & Distance
Not Love, Friendship & Trust?
Boy Thought For A While
Took Her In His Arms,
Looked Deep In Her Eyes & Said
Look, DON'T Eat My Brain!
I Have Already Failed In Physics :p:D

A candle may melt
and it's fire may die,
but the love you have
given me will always
stay as a flame in my heart.

Time will always fly,
but our love will never die.
Keep in touch
remember me and my love.

I love my eyes when U look into them,
I love my name when U say it,

I love my heart when U love it,
I love my life when U are in it.

Whats missing in H__RT? EA or U?
Pick EA & youll get a heart!
If u pick U, you will get hurt!
Id pick U coz its better to get hurt,
Than have a heart without U.

Love is good and is a good one to love

I have 3 parts of my heart,
1st 4 my Allah,
2nd 4 my Family,
3rd 4 myFriends.



But no part 4 u,



When it rains, you dont see the sun, but its there.
Hope we can be like that.
We dont always see each other,
but we will always be there for one another.

LOVE is like an ocean
Now a days its a fashion 
It moves (b/w people) as a rotation
Sorry I don't know the solution.

I have a heart and that is true,
But now it has gone from me to you,
So care for it just like I do,
Cause I have no heart and you have two.

I'm sorry Sweetheart. .
But Sometimes,
I get jealous thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could.

I guess its my insecurities acting up.

Because I know,
I'm not the beautiful, smartest, or most fun and exciting.

But, I do know that,
No matter how long you'll never find someone that loves you like I do.

Reside In
So No Matter
How Busy We Are
How Far We Are
You Are Always Remebered & Cared . . 

Love is like playing the piano.
First you must learn to
play by the rules,

then you must forget the
rules and lay from your heart.

I May Be Not The One You Dreamed Of,
But This Is True That,
You Are The One I Dreamed Of.

I May Be Not The One You Re Waiting For,
But This Is True That,
I Will Wait For You Till I Die.

I May Be Not The One You Loved The Most,
But This Is True That,
You R The One I Love The Most.

Time will always fly,
but our love will never die.
Keep in touch
remember me and my love.

When i die don't cry
in front of my dead body
who knows my hands may come
to wipe of your tears
that's kind of love!

It is very tough to believe a stranger,
But if someone loves U more than Fish loves Water,
Holds UR hand tight with tears in his eyes & says,

"The moment I saw U
I fell in love with U
I can't live without U
& wanna spend the rest of my life with U

What will U reply ?

"A HEART die's when
it is not able to share's its FEELINGS...,

But a HEART Kills itself when
another Heart does not Understands its Feelings.

That Boy N Girl

They Fight About
A Lot Of Things ,

But They Love All Of
The Same Music

She's Immature,
But He Accepts Her Silliness

They Both Say
They Hate Each Other
Secretly R Happy
When People Tell Them That
They Would Make A
Good Couple

They Act Like
They are Nothing More Than Friends
But Everyone Knows Otherwise.

When People Ask...
They Say They Don't Like Each Other
Still Hope That The Other One Is Lying

She's A Writer ,
He's A Football Player

She's More Beautiful Than
She'll Ever Know
He Already Does

They Are Completely Different
They Are Absolutely
Perfect For Each Other

The most beautiful people
in the world are not those
with attractive faces or skinny body,
but those who know
how to respect the beauty of others.

When some love is gone,
It doesn't mean you should
Be bitter.
It only means you need someone
Love always ends for a reason
And leaves with a lesson

When I'm Alone,
I Think Of So Many
Things To Say To You,
But When
I Have A Chance To Tell
I Go Speechless

Do you know
how it feels to love
someone who doesnt
love you ?
Its like
waiting for a boat at the airport

The Most Memorable
People In Life Will Be
The People..
Who Loved You
You Weren't Very Lovable

My Dear,

I've No Words Or Letters To Flow
But When Holding The Pen
Just Your Face Comes Through...

In The Battle Of Life,
I Didn't Have Even A Knife
And Since I Had No Option Except To Go,

I Walked And Walked Until I Met You
To Tell About You There's No Words,
I Think To Stop
But Your Voice Always Comes To Say
Go Forwards,

You Can Reach The Top...
You Might Be Good For Everybody,
But For Me You Were Never A Body
You Might Be One For Many,
But For Me You Are Many

It Isn't A Matter Of Falling In Love,
It Is That Love Is Falling In Me...
I Would Never Call You A Love
Since I Might Loose A Love And Hate,
Therefore I Called You My Soulmate

Is Not About The
'Hugs n Kisses'
The 'I Love You'
The 'I Miss You'
But About The 'Chills'
That Hit Every Part 0f
Your Spine When You Think
About Him/Her..!!

Love is not in those cards n gifts

1.When you hold each other hand
while crossing the road and
u choose to face the oncoming traffic.

2.When your heart regains a beat
after searching for him or her in crowd.

3.When just 1 look assures you
that he or she won’t leave you.

4.When you pray secretly that
your beloved should succeed in everything!

Every Girl Has Her
Bestfriend, Her Boyfriend, And Her Love.
If She Is Lucky,
They Are All The Same Person.!!

Falling In Love Is Like Jumping Off A Building.
Your Brain Says
Don't Do It! You Will Die!
But Your Heart Says
Don’t Worry, I Can Fly !

If You Want To Give A Real Gift To Anyone,
Give Them Your Time, Attention & Importance

A Loving Heart Doesn't Expect
Anything More Than That !!

I love everybody.

Some I love to be around,
Some I love to avoid,
others I would love to punch in the face.

Don't Say You Love
Someone And Then Change Your Mind ...

Love Isn't Like Picking
What Movie You Want To Watch

If someone truly loves you,
They wont make you feel
like you have to
constantly fight for their attention.

It's a simple symbol
composed of two important
components in a relationship

"Love & Less Than Three"

It means that
Love is less than three
It has no space for third part.

Love may give happiness or sadness
depending upon our feelings

So always delete sad events
make a large space for happiest movements.

The path
that leads to love
is so Narrow that
Two can not walk on it
unless they become One

True love is like a boy playing Carrom
Always afraid of losing his queen.
A girl playing chess
risking everything just 2 protect her king.

Love & Hatred Though Opposite In Nature
Have A Common Factor In It
The Person Always Lingerz In Ur Mind
For Whom
U have Either Of The Feeling...!

If 10 people care 4 u,
one of them is me,
if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again,
if no 1 cares 4 u that means
i m not in this world.

1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.
1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.
1st time i kiss u i was scared to love u.
but now that i love u i'm scared 2 lose u!

If i could be any part of U I wud be ur tear,
To be conceived in ur heart born in ur eyes...
Live on ur cheeks
die on ur lips.....

Meeting you was fate,
becoming your friend was choice,
but falling in love with you was
completely out of my control.

Time will always fly,
but our love will never die.
Keep in touch
remember me and my love.

My love for you is like water,
Falling countless
The beating of my heart,
For you is so heavy and soundless,
The feeling of being in your arm is so
Precious and endless.

I'm with you reading this ,
Looking at your eyes and your lips,
Touching your lips softly with my fingertips.
Making love to you in every kiss.

YouRe So Far Way
Yet You Are Here
I CanT See Your Face
But I Can Feel You Near

I CanT Touch You
But I Hold You Close
No Matter Where You Are
YouRe In My Heart
Wherever I Go

Hopefully The Miles Between Us
Will Disappear Soon
Because All I Want
Is To Be With You

Every Girls Dream..
1.Getting Kissed In The Pouring Rain.
2.Have The Hot Kiss Where You're Pressed Against The Wall.
3.Have The Guy That Thinks You Are The World.
4.Have A Good Guy That Holds On As Long As Possible When Giving Hugs.
5.A Guy That Whispers He Loves You In Your Ears.
6.Have That Moment Where You Just Gaze Into Each Others Eyes.
7.When You Cry, He Kisses Your Tears Away.
8.When Your Not With Your Guy He's All That You Can Think About.
9.Wearing His Jacket Or His Sweatshirt And Every time You Breath In His Scent Surrounds You.
10.A Guy Who Will Watch Any Movie With You No Matter How Teary Eyed You May Get.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage

Words of Lover Boy:
My eyes know that
i m not perfect match 4 him.
my heart has no eyes or ears,
So it's been beating 4 her..

True Lines-

"Don't expect a perfect love from any of your close ones...
Just show them what it is..."

There Will Always Be That 0ne Person
Who Love You
You're Not Like Anyone Else

As I feel the tear go down my cheek,
I notice that my heart is weak,

For the love I have for you,
Will always be gold and true,

I have made some mistakes, they rest in the past,
But know my love will always last,

Even though we are a distance apart,
You always have the key to my heart.

Love Cycle

When U Love,
You Get Hurt,

When U Get Hurt,
You Hate,

When U Hate,
You Try To Forget,

When U Try To Forget,
You Start Missing,

When U Start Missing,
You Fall In L0ve Again

Love Someone ...
Not Because They Give
You What You Need ... !!!


Because They Give You Feelings
You Never Thought You Needed!

A Good Heart And A Good Nature
Are Two Different Issues,

A Good Heart Can Win Many Relationships,
But A Good Nature
Can Win An Sustain Life Long Relationship

Everyone Shows More Love & Care
In The Beginning Of Any Relationship
No One Maintains It Till The Last

Very Very True Message,
Unspoken. . . .

"Love Is On Lips Of Many. . . .
But In The Heart Of Few

If You Wanna Win A Girl:
Surprise Her, Give Her Long Hugs,
Make Her Feel Safe,
Give Her Forehead Kisses,

Why Was Snow White Given A Poisoned Apple?
- To Show Us That Not Everyone Is Gonna Be Kind
& Not Everyone Is Really Who They Say They Are.

Why Did Cinderella Run Away At Midnight?
- To Remind Us That Everything Does Have Its Limitations, Even Dreams.

Why Did Ariel Exchange Her Fins For Feet?
- To Show Us That People Are Willing To Give Up Anything
To Be With Who They Love & To Just Be Happy.

Why Did Aurora Sleep For 100 Years?
- To Tell Us That You Might Have To Wait For Quite Some Time
For Your True Love To Come Along,
Sometimes Very Long, But Its Worth It.

Why Did Princess Jasmine Fall For Aladdin?
- To Let Us Know That What The Heart Wants,
It Wants It No Matter What.

Why Was Belle In Love With A Beast?
- To Remind Us That You Cant Really Help Whats On The Outside,
But If The Inside Is Beautiful, Then Nothing Will Stand In The Way Of Your Love

A smile to put you on high...
A kiss to set your soul alright...
Would it be alright if
I spent tonight being loved by you?

The Difference Between

"In Love"

Are The Same Difference

"For Now",
"For A While"

Him: I Love You
Her: Iloveyoutoo
Him: Something Wrong With Your Space Bar ?
Her: No, There's Just No Space For Me To Love Anyone Else

Socha kisi apne se baat karun,
Apne kisi khaas ko yaad karun,

Kiya jo faisla eid mubarak kehne ka,
Dil ne kaha kyun na aapseshuruwat karun.

Why Does 'CUPID' Never Grow Up . . .?

It Symbolizes That Love Never Gets Old.


Why Does He Throws Arrows To The Heart?

To Remind Us That True Love Hurts ... "

I Don't Know Exactly
What I Was Waiting For,
Every Moment That
I M With You,
It Feels Like Everything
I've Been Waiting For.

Girl : You broke my Favorite Lamp!
Boy : It was an Accident... I didn't mean to..!
Girl : I can't believe you did this.
Boy : I'm Sorry.. !! :(

When a Girl does Something Wrong!

Boy : You Lost My Dog??!!!
Girl : It was an Accident. I didn't mean to!
Boy : I can't believe you did this.
Girl : I already feel bad about it..!! Stop making me feel Worse..!!
Boy : I'm Sorry..!!:(

We Dont Succeed In Our 1st Love!
Becoz We Lack Certain Qualites.
After Achieving Those Qualities,
We Never Love Again!

Feelings are always the same
Saying it could be in different ways,
Some say it directly are called 'LOVERS'
Some write them on paper & are called 'POETS' =)

Do You Know What Is Difficult To Do?

It Is Difficult To Share Jokes
With The Person You Love,

While Deep Inside,
What You Really Want Is To
Share Your Feelings

In the morning,
sun gazes at me to make me happy...
Cool breeze hugs me to see my smile...
Birds sings to make me smile....
But my dear,
They dont know that
my smile is incomplete until
I remember your face...

She came today
Early morning
Start fighting
Her complain was
Who the hell
Permitted you
To come in my dreams.

GIRLS Want To Look
Perfect For A Bunch 0f Guys,
A WOMAN 0nly Wants To
Look Beautiful For 0nly One Man

Someone Who Makes
More Efforts To Have You
In Their Life ,
Is Someone Who Didn't
Want To Lose You

A wise Physician said
"I have been practicing medicines for 30 years
and I have prescribed many things
but in the long run I have learned that
the best medicine for human creature is "CARE and LOVE"
Someone asked , if it doesn't work?
He smiled and answered "INCREASE THE DOSE"

Of All The People
That Could Have
Stolen My HEART
I Am So Happy It Was

I was on a ship thinking of you.
when i looked down i dropped a tear in the ocean.
then i promised myself that until someone finds it.
i wont forget you.

Ultimate Truth of Love

Love Is What ...
Can Be Felt Not Told

It Can Be Given
Not Sold

It Comes When
You Least Expect It


Leaves You When
You Most Need It ...

Love is a medicine
for any kind of wound,

but there is no medicine
found in the world
for a wound given by love.

The Keyword To Our

TR [ U S ]T

Without Trust,
There Is No '' US ''

Every body loves you
when you love every body.

No one love you
if you do not love any one.

"Response" Is One Of
The Powerful Tool To
Occupy A Place In
Someone's 'HEART'


Give The Best Response
To The Person Who Cares
For You


Is Like
It Is Not Only Sizzling
Keeps Your Eyes Wet!

"I Want To Be His Favorite

And His Hardest

You Can Hear Your Name A Million Times
0ne Person Makes It Sound Special
You Can Say A Million Names
There Is One That Is Special.!

Distance Is A Test of Love.
Many Will Fail For
Those Who Can't Withstand It.
For Those Who Can,
There's 0nly 0ne Answer:

You Can Love Two People
At The Same Time,
At The Same Level!

I Asked Her :
'Why She Isn't Leaving
Me Because 0f The Mistakes
I m Making ?"
She Said:
"Because You Can't Just
Leave The One You Love"

Love Is The Happiness Of Today,
And Promise Of Tomorrow,
So This Warm Note Comes To You,
To Say That Live Life With A Heart Full Of Love

A guy who truly love his girl,
Doesn't need to unbutton her shirt
to get a better view of her heart..!

Love Is Like Stapler Pin:

Easy To Attach Hard To Detach.
Worst Is When Finally U R Able To Detach
It Leaves The Paper Damage.

Somebody whom you love
enters your life
just for two reasons

1-Either for loving you forever


2-To teach you not to love again ever

GirlFriend to her BoyFriend:
What Is Love ? ?
People Talk So Much About
Love But I Don’t Really Know
What It Is . . . ?

BF (Replied):
When I Get Angry On You
& You Try To Persuade Me
That Feeling Is Love,

When I Don’t Talk To You
& You Get Worried About Me
That Is Called Love,

When You Care For Me
Whenever I M Sick Or In Pain,
That Is Love,


Finally When You Get Scared
Even From The Thought Of Us
Being Apart From Each Other,
This Scary Feeling Is Called Love

A Small Boy Took A Knife
And Wrote His Girlfriend’s Name 0n His Hand..
After A Minute He Started Crying Loudly..
Why ???
Paining ???
No !!
Then ???
Spelling Mistake !!! :O

Boy: What Should I Do ?
Girl: Just Follow Your Heart.

Boy: What Do You Think My Heart Says ?

Girl: I Don’t Know,I’m Not Your Heart.
Boy: You’re Most 0f It

Stop Having Set “Qualifications”
Being A Lover Isn’t A Job,
And You re Not Hiring A Employee.
And Yes, They Will Make Mistakes.
Yes, They Will Be Different
From What You Expected.
They’re Human,
And They Have No Idea
What They Are Doing.
They Love You,
They Love Every Minute 0f You.
So Please, Give Them A Chance!

Let Love Come To You,
Be Patient.
In Fairy Tales
They Don’t Find Each 0ther

Hearts beat 72 times a min,
Even if ur heart beats only once a min,
U'll stil live coz 71 times my heart beats 4u..

When u are at the end of the rope,
just tie "one" knot and hang on
ill surely come and tie the remaining " two" around you.....
remember, only in darkness we can see stars ! !
whenever , wherever ill be there for you

Select any number between 1 and 13
and I will tell you the type of Kiss
you are going to receive from me.

He is Selfish,
But 0nly Because He Wants You For Himself.

He Gets Jealous Easily,
But 0nly Because He Wants To Be The 0nly 0ne Around You.

He Doesnt Want Any 0ther Guys To Be With You,
But 0nly Because He's Afraid 0f Losing You.

He's All That,
But 0nly Because Hes Madly In Love With You

If you really love someone,
Don't tell them,
Show them.

Love is sweets and honey
Love is sometimes for your heart
Love is sometimes for the money

Love is passionate
Love is blind
Love is destined
Love is cruel and kind

Love is forever
Love is for a night
Love is fading
Love is at first sight

Love is unrequited
Love is for another
Love is not returned
Love is not to be smothered

Love is dangerous
Love is right
Love is wrong
Love is a fight

Love is complicated
Love is here and there
Love is in you and me
Love is everywhere

Love is broken
Love is true
Love is for me
Love is for you

True Love Is When A Boy Ask The Girl
For A 'Kiss' And The Girl Simply Close Her Eyes
And Allow The Boy For A 'Kiss'
But The Boy "Kisses" On "Forehead

All say that love is more important than money..

Have u ever tried paying ur bill with a hug.. ? ? :P ;)

He asked her:
If he ever crossed her mind?
She replied with:
"You Never Left It"

She asked him:
If he still loved her?
He replied with:
"I never stopped"

Boy :Do you love me more than ur family ?
Girl :No
Boy :Why ?
Girl :okay Listen dis.
when i started to walk I fell, u were not there to pick me up. but my mom was.
When i went outside, you were not there to hold my finger. but my dad was
When i cried,u didn't gave me your toys to play,but my brother n sister did.
My family is more precious than anything else :)

“I love you for what you are,
but I love you yet more
for what you are going to be.

I love you not so much for your realities
as for your ideals.

I pray for your desires that they may be great,
rather than for your satisfactions,

which may be so hazardously little.
You are going forward toward
something great.

I am on the way with you,
and therefore I love you.”

Short but nice lines:
When nails are growing,
We cut our nails,
Not fingers
Similarly when EGO is rising,
We should cut EGO,

3 rules in Relationships:
Don't lie,
Don't cheat
don't make promises
you can't keep.

I want a relationship where we
talk like best friends,
play like kids,
argue like husband and wife,
and protect each other like siblings

Dnt use yo blanket just thnk abt my love it wil warm u ,
dnt use pillow just thnk abt my handz it will trap yo hd ,
dnt cloz yo mouth i will be d kissing u all night
Good Night, I Love you

"I dont have time 2 hate people who hate me..


I'm too busy in loving people who love me!"

Good Night!

The Love I Have For You
Will Never Go To Waste...
One Problem Is Fate,

I'm Done With Words, And Done With Lies
I'm Done With Everything You Have To Say

Because Everything Cant Go My Way
If It Could, Yes You Would Be Mine...

I know lots of people hate me
because i am 2 bad


few people surely love me
because they know that
my little goodness is not fake.

Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
and most precious of all,
Love endures all things.
Come we love and make things happy.

If The Person U Love Doesn't Love U Back
Just Imagine That U Are The Letter 'E'
In The Word L O V E -
You Are There But Never Pronounced. :(

'Life is everything'
when the person u love misses u in your absence..
but 'life is nothing' When
they miss to understand your importance in your presence.

I stopped thinking about


When i saw love between
blind coupleI stopped thinking about


When i saw love between
blind couple

Awe sum Quote:
Only a few people can feel the rain,others just get wet,
Much Awesome:
Only a few Lovers can feel the pain of depart,others just find another

Without Communication
There is no Relationship;

Without Respect
There is no Love;

Without Trust
There is no Reason to Continue..!

I wish every relationship
come with the
same tag as Johnson's baby shampoo


Some relationships are like TOM & JERRY.
They tease each other,
knock down each other,
irritate each other,
but can't live without each other.

A true relationship is
when you can tell each other
anything and everything.

No secrets and no lies.

"True love comes only 1 time with 1 person.

If it comes for the second time,
it is just a medicine to forget the first love...!!!" :-)

Distance doesn't matter
If you really love the person,
What matters most is
your honesty and trust
for that relationship
to work out.

Trust, Respect, Loyalty, and Communication:
4 essential parts of a successful relationship

If you are cold at night,
let the promise of my
love cover you like a
'warm blanket'

u r so beautiful my love 4u will always b true,
here's a wish 4 my darling...
may all your dreams come true
i wish u a very happy birthday.
with lots of love and kisses...
from a heart that beats...
just 4 you by me.

Time will always fly,
but our love will never die.
Keep in touch
remember me and my love.

LOVE is like an ocean 
Now a days its a fashion 
It moves (b/w people) as a rotation
Sorry I don't know the solution.

The Best Moments Of Love Life Is Expression Of Love Without Saying I Love You.

Love the person who loves you , not whom you likes because only it will gives you a happy life.

Nobody's Right Till Smbody's Wrong Nobody's Weak Til Smbody's Strong Nobody's Lucky Til Luv Comes Along Nobody's Lonely Til Smbody's Gone

Real love is not based on romance, Candle light dinner and walks along the beach. In fact, it is based on Respect, Compromise, Care and Trust

I may b innocent 2 knw wat luv is,I may not show it 2u.I may not luv u d way it shld b,but Im alwys willng 2 luv u d way I undrstnd it!

I didn't know that we were ment for each other for as long as we shall live, until I looked back and see the things we went through and the things you did for us to be here,
Thank you my love, I will never you next to me
I love you baby.

As long as eye can see § ear can hear my feelings 4 u will never change..I Luv U Love.

"The Best Moments Of Love Life Is Expression Of Love Without Saying I Love You."

Don't show so much of love
on anyone
it creates a non-curable pain
when they avoid u.

Animal say beat me not , flower say touch me not , tree say cut me not but i say forgot me not

If I Am Wrong,
I Need Your Hand To Correct Me.
If I Am Lost,
I Need Your Hand To Guide Me.
If One Fine Day I Die,
I Still Need Your Hand To Close My Eyes.
Please Hold My Hand Tightly In Your Hand.

Heart Is Empty Without Love.
Mind Is Empty Without Wisdom.

Eyes Are Empty Without Dreams.

& Life Is Empty Without U..
I love you

You're Always In My Heart. I Love You. I want to be your girlfriend. But that dreams never come true

What is the most Peaceful Romantic Moment
Its when your Lover is sleeping
You are watching her innocent face w¡th Love... AS

There is 1 thing
2 do
3 words 
4 you

Sweet, u r d one fin DAT Eva happend in my life DAT I still believe in love.. U've acctually Love me more Dan I deserve.. I love u very much honey..

__/#| SMS. 
;' -- = ( """""""""""'''|

PEE...! PEE...!
Hi.. Sorry... sms was in traffic jam, so late 2 wish

" gud nyt"|-)

There May Be More Than 8.5 Billion People In This World..
Sometimes We Really Need Just One..!!

Loving someone dosen't need a reason..
If you can explain why you love someone,its called 'Like'..

If you can't explain,its simply called 'LOVE'

Sea is Full of Water!
Sky is Full of Stars!
Ground is Full of Grasses!


My Heart is Full of "YOU"

Hello goodmorning 2day is a new day dat lord have maid am happy 2 see dis precious day. I may be away but im sure ... Even when were far apart distance can nerve change de love i have for u in my heart thinking of u i am not a perfect person bt when i care i care with all my heart oh! My God am in love if u ar nt in pls be form 2day i love baby

Live for the person who dies for you,smile for the person who cries for you,fight for the person who protects you,and love the person who loves you more than you


More than my lover

Loving someone dosen't need a reason..
If you can explain why you love someone,its called 'Like'..

If you can't explain,its simply called 'LOVE'

If I write your name on the Sky, Wind may blow it. If I write your name on the sea, Wind may blow it. If I write on the Ground Wind may blow it. If it Engrave into my HEART nothing will blow it. I Love You So Much.

Without u babe days are;Moanday,Tearsday,Wasteday,Thirstday,Frightday, flowers cant bloom without sunshine,I cant live without your love


True frnds r like upper n lower
They often meet bcoz they miss each
Bt when they meet they don't see d
world around dat's frndship...

Im d Best Heart Surgeon in d Wrld!
coz I made a little place in Ur
HEART widout cuting& spoilng
Hope U'r glad 2 have a Lovely Killer
like Me.

Age 13
Boy: Can I kiss you? Girl: No my
dads watching.
Age 16
Boy: Can I kiss you now? Girl: Just a
peck on the cheek..
Age 18
Boy: You are an adult now ! Can I
ki.... Girl kisses him : ***
Muuwwaaahhh :***
Like if you wanna kiss someone right

I want 2 be surrounded by U always,
day & night.
URs hugs bring strength unknown.
Ur smiles bring sunshine 2 brighten
my mood
U r voice tells tales 2 sooth my
restless soul
U r whisper says I love U never let
me go.

The Full Form of Chocolate Brand :
KITKAT – Kiss in Time, Kiss at Time
PERK – Perfect Emotional Romantic
MUNCH – Meet Urgently Now for a
Charming Hug! So think before
giving chocolate to any one

i love u my mss lv...


keep messaging me 2 win exciting prizes. 1st prize lots of love. 2nd prize life time friendship. 3rd prize free stay in my heart. offer valid till I die.

when u feel lonely press97.....

When u miss ur dear ones press44.....

Want to smile press09......

Need encouragement press56.....

Want love press 47 press them all, u can hear me......

You’re my first thought in the morningAnd every moment in betweenI’m lost in your eyesAnd the night arrivesYou are in my dreams I love you >>>

Love is like war......

Easy to start.......

Difficult to end.......

Impossible to forget.


I trust you is better than I love you. why?
Because you can’t always trust the one you
love, but you can always love the one you

i miss u mamta for for ver.plz retn my all he book.. bcz i hav that tendency that plz if u forget me mean u should forget for me from ur whole lyf.. i swaer ... u wiill be miss me ...after long tym...

You never really stop loving someone....
You just learn to live without them

if U are alone ill be your shadow
if u want to cry ill be your shoulder
if u need to be happy ill be your smile'
but any time a friend it will be just me

True love comes only with one persons. If it comes for the second time, its just a medicine to forget the first love...........

Take my eyes but let me see U...
Take my mind but let me Think about U...
Take my Hand but let me Touch U...
But don't try to take my Heart
bcoz its already with U..

love is life but don't depand on every time in love

l= loss of money 
o=out of mind 
v= vaste of time 
e= end of life


i love u sandeep plz maan jao,,,,,,,,,,,,,sun raha hai na tu ro rahi hu main,plz come back jhandu,,,,,,,,,

S=support u
P=pray for u
E=encourge u

my love for you is like diarrhea i can't keep it in

Shafeera:Njan ente mobilum nee athile SIM carumanu..
Faiz:Ninte mobile dual sim ano......!!??

show love and care to all people u meet in ur life.... so when someone asks u r u in love? then u can proudly answer, no...!

Valentine day special...

Couoles r Dating.
.Singles r updating..!!

Boy-I luv u
Girl-I m engaged wid some1 & I hav a boyfriend & I hav also 2 serious affairs.
Boy-(after long thinking) DEKHNA KUCH ADJUST HOTA HO TO....

'Marriage is one of the chief cause for divorce...

Look the moon is looking at you..
see star are shining 4u
Hear birds are siging 2u
listen my heart is saying to you

I wish You Happy valentine's Day.
People say love brings flavour and taste to life.
I believe pani-puri does a better job..

24 sweet hours make 1 sweet day.
7 swt days make 1 swt week.
4 swt week make 1 swt month !
bt 1 swt person like u makes entire life swt

D most butiful relatnshps in d world are d 1 wich hv 'NO NAME' coz..
whn u giv a name to a relatnshp...
It limits d ways in wich u cn luv d person..

I Will Wait ..
Till The Day
“I” Can Forget “You” ..
The Day
You Realize
“You” Cannot Forget “Me” ..

If i could bring back Memories
i would bring the first day i kissed u
i look u in the eyes and felt love..
thanks god an angel came into my life!

GIRL: Do I ever pop into your mind?
BOY: You’re ALWAYS on my mind!

The Greatest Expression Of Love
In Today’s Age
Is The Sound of The Mobile Msg Beeps
From Someone You Love !

There is no exit for our love
There is only edit option in between us
There is a place for another love but
There is no replace for another love.

There is no exit for our love
There is only edit option in between us
There is a place for another love but
There is no replace for another love.

My love,
words however special …
could never even start,
to tell you all the love
I have for you within my heart!My love,
words however special …
could never even start,
to tell you all the love
I have for you within my heart!

My eyes are blind without your eyes to see,
Like a rose without color.
My soul is shattered without your arms to hold me,
Like a mirror without a reflection.
Always be there in my life sweetheart.

Very Very True Msg,
“Love Is On Lips Of Many..
But In The Heart Of Few.. !

Falling is the First step to Success,
Crying is the First step to Happiness.
Heart Break is the First step to True Love.. !

There is one very simple rule for LOVE and SUCCESS – “Just try one more time in a different way before you decide to QUIT.

My love for you is like water,
Falling countless,
The beating of my heart,
For you is so heavy and soundless,
The feeling of being in your arm is so
Precious and endless.

The Best Gift you Got in Your life is
“Finding someone
who knows all Your Mistakes ‘n Weaknesses
and still thinks
You’re completely Amazing”.. !!

I hope that YOU finally understand,
That I will love YOU until the end of my life,
Because You r not just my girlfriend,
You r also my best friend..!

My silence doesn’t mean that
I Forgot YOU
My disappearance doesn’t mean that
I don’t care for YOU
Because You r MINE and
You’ll alwys remain in my Heart.

I never searched but I found YOU
I never asked but I have YOU
I never wished for anything but it come true
I just want to thank GOD
For Giving me such a lovely friend like you..!

I know that a candle may melt and
Its fire may die but
D love U have given to me
Will always stay as a flame
In my heart. I Love You..!

Everyone Says
YOU only fall in Love once in the life.
But that’s wrong
Because every time i see YOUR smile
I fall in love all over again
Love YOU sweetheart..!

Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.Love me and the world is mine.If I know what love is, it is because of you.

Heart says to eyes dont see more bcz u see and i suffer.eye answered 2 heart dont think more bcz u feel and i cry thats the relation 

Last night i am try to sleep and thinking about you and it happend you came in my dream and say oh god i try to but your thinking disturbing me. 


love is life , love is high, love is way, for some body but for me love is everything,

when time comes for u to give ur heart to someone,make sure u select someone who ll never break ur heart, coz broken heart has never spare parts... 

I loved the way you lookd at me. I love the way you held me. I loved the way you tlkd to me. But most of all;( i loved the way you loved me!

slowly you enters my heart and now in every direction there is you .really you are true miricall to me ,you will always be the most beautiful star that twinkle my heart. 

when time comes for u to give ur heart to someone,make sure u select someone who ll never break ur heart, coz broken heart has never spare parts... 

I loved the way you lookd at me. I love the way you held me. I loved the way you tlkd to me. But most of all;( i loved the way you loved me! 

slowly you enters my heart and now in every direction there is you .really you are true miricall to me ,you will always be the most beautiful star that twinkle my heart. 

My love, words however special,
could never even start,
to tell you all the love I have
for you within my heart!! 

slowly you enters my heart and now in every direction there is you .really you are true miricall to me ,you will always be the most beautiful star that twinkle my heart. 

As your views love is something but as for me love is everything & u r my everything.

Life is pretty much unpredictable.
I may not live long enough
but I won’t miss out letting you know
that life is worth living
with someone like you around. 

can u tell me can the fish live without water can the berd live without air can the baby live without mother so tell me how can i live without u 


There are times when I fall in love with someone new, but I always seem to find myself back in love with you. 

I Am a tree
My flowers es U.
I am a sky 
My star is U.
I am a river
My boat is U.
I am a body
My heart is U. 

Don't hide the feelings about some one special to you..bcoz one day when you realize to express them,that special one to you may not be with you.... 

A word to say, a word to hear
Even in ur absence i feel u near
Our relation is strong..hope it goes long
We wil remain da same til da life goes on!

I loved the fact I could tell u anything
i loved the way u looked at me
i loved talking to u
I loved it when we had our little talks
i loved it when u told me u loved me
i love u for u and hope u love me too and I love u for so much more but words could never explain!! 

best thot d person who lves u most will trouble n irritate u d maximum, bt whn u drop a tear he will fight wid d world to stop ur tears. 

slowly you enters my heart and now in every direction there is you .really you are true miricall to me ,you will always be the most beautiful star that twinkle my heart. 

The beginning is built on something very strong which justifies the strength of an endless thought of you.So,your love is the true corner stone for the achievement of our togetherness and oneliness. 

If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever..
If Your askin if I'll Leave U the answer is Never..
If Your askin what I value the Answer is U..
if Your askin if I love U the answer is I do

if i say i love you its not true.caus what i feel is bigger than love.
i cany find any world can express what i have in my heart.i.......

If our heart miss some one,if our eyes have tears for some oneif our life has tim and space for some one,we really love that someone.

"LOVE" is medicine for any kind of pain,
Be sure that
There is no medicine in the world for the pain given by "LOVE" 

When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has never spare parts.

Two things never defined in whole life, 
1 is LOVE 
bcoz u never know who LOVES u how much. 
2nd Friend 
bcoz u never know how deeply they care About U. 

life is too short to wake up with regrets .so love the people who treat u right .forgets about the one's.if u get a second chance,grabit with both hands if it chenges your life let body said life would be easy ,they just promised it would be worth it.when ur dreams come true ,don't over sleep. 

TIME passes,TERM changes,but the softness of LOVE always remains. 

rose r heart is sad.a smile for you.will make you glad 

L-language of heart
O-origin of beauty
V-very interesting
E-eye connection

Life spends with someone for a life time may be meaningless. But a few minutes spent with someone who really love U means more than life itself............:)

After my death i'll move up to sky...i will write by ur name on every star.So u look up every night to see. how much I like you. 

Sacrificing is not a big deal
The pain what u face after sacrificing is a big deal
Keep the loved ones happy
Love to sacrifice & live to love.. 

Love z like a sand in hands.
It will sneak out through the fingerz,no matter gripped firmly or held loosely.
Only hands in praying position can save it...........

Sometimes my eyes get jealouse of my Heart! You Know Why? Bcoz.. you always remain close to my HEART n far from my EYES 

I loved her as my best.but she never asked me why i love her or why i looks her.
I need a true love.who can give it me.if u can,please call me.

If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

''+. .+ ''
''+.... +''

one day you asked me what s more important for you?me or your life I replied my life........u ran away frm me without knowing that u r my life 

a boy & a girl loved each other,but unfortunately d girl was blind.d girl always told when i will see you i will love day the girl was operated & she now can see evrything.she look at d boy & saw the boy is also blind.she ignored to love him.d boy told take care of my eyes 

If Love was like rice and stew,i will always eat it.becos it smells good at the time 

When we are apart, time goes very slowly.
A second feels like a minute.
A minute feels like an hour.
An hour feels like a day.
A day feels like a week.
A week feels like a month
A month feels like a year.
But our love for each other grows stronger, no matter how long we are apart. 

love is life , love is high, love is way, for some body but for me love is everything, 

I smile at whoom i like, I cry for whoom I care, I share with whoom i love, I laugh with whoom i enjoy, i message only to those ehoom I never want to loose

Love make Lies
Lies make Life
But Life Need Trues
True Means Love
Love means "U" 

I have the "I", I have the "L", I have the "O", I have the "V", I have the "E",... so pls can I have "U" ???? 

God give me 24hours to live. I take 23hours to love her and 1hour to find another man to take case of her. 

As your views love is something but as for me love is everything & u r my everything.i love u sooooooooooooooo much

love is the passion, love is rebirth, love is luck, love is friendship, love is life, love is you..........and what else is everything 

How 2 fall in love:
How 2 fall in love: 1. fall but dnt stumble; 2. b consistnt nt persistnt; 3. understnd but dnt demand; 4. share & nevr b unfair; 5. Hurt but never keep d pain.

I believe that God above, Created you for me to love, He picked you out from all the rest, Coz He knew I would love you the best 


Your gentle touch.Your bright blue eyes.Your beautiful smile.There is nothing like this.Not in my mind, not in my dreams.I cannot think, I can’t resist.You’re in my head.Every time I close my eyes. 

Love is real friendship between eatch and is always batter than all.But some one ...? 

Time will always fly, but our love will never die. Keep in touch and remeber me 

When u luv sum1, its like reaching for STARS ..U know u can't it but keep on trying bcoz may be 1 day that star might fall just for UUU..;-) 

Baby i still hear ur voice even when u r not here next to me, i stil see u in my dreams and pls forgive me my weaknesses i dont know why 

I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy
smile.Your loving face No1 will ever take your place 

Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz I'll be loving you every single day of my life. 

Luv does not start in morning, it does not shine in moon it does not end in evening. Luv starts vn u dont need it, it ends vn u need it d most. 

I love all stars in sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes! 

Love isn’t a decision, it’s a feeling.
If we could decide who to love, then,
life would be much simpler, but then less magical 

IF 100% people love u,then I m one% in them,IF 99% people HATE u, l m the one% who love u,IF 100% people HATE u, then be sure I m really DEAD........with LUV 

I will love you even if you don't do i will love you but you wont find anyone loves you like i do 

I will love you even if you don't do i will love you but you wont find anyone loves you like i do 

don't love the love unless love loves you,and if love loves you then love do not love anybody else.......

, mkes u smyl
den mkes u cry,.
love nspires
den confuses,.
love mkes u care
den leads u to hate
and yet
only love
can ease the pain
and help u move on
once again,... ^_^ 

Love is not just by looking at each other, but by looking at the same direction..

LovE is Not HoW LonG U've BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U've GIvEn oR RecEivE; Not hOw MaNy TimEs U've HeLpEd EaCh OthEr --- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr... 

True Friendship is like standing on wet cement,
Longer you stay harder it's to leave, & if you try togo,
you can't go without leaving your footprints 

Love is like a 'miz cal' stops when u try 2 catch but friendship like 'sms' bcoz it comes n stays inside ur inbox until u delete it. 

Nomatterwhat to do
Inever said u love me too!!
but that is true 

Ull always be mine,4 now & 4ever,Ull always be mine,
4 u r my treasure,Ull always be mine,Please tell me its true,
Please be mine 4ever,ill always luv u!

i may not be a clock that may text u 24 hrs a day, but my heart will be like a clock that will not stop caring 4 u & saying u r always remembered.....
Love u dear! 

Never let go of he who loves to who spends mush on u, cos time will come wen u will still need love but its gone

Flowers can die,
songs fade way,
dreams are forgotten,
but there is only one unforgettable treasure in the world, and thats you.
you are treasured!! 

السلام علیکم 

🇵🇰 پاکستان زندہ باد 🇵🇰 


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