Geo Nov 10, 2022 Medical report and doctors verify that fragments of bullets ripped into Imran Khan’s leg, not bullets. After a gun attack on former prime minister Imran Khan , social media and Pakistani politicians have been divided over the number of bullets that hit Khan. As per some reports four bullets wounded the chairman of PTI, while others suggest two bullets were lodged in his legs. Khan’s medical report now confirms that four bullet fragments pierced his leg, not bullet pellets. Claim Contradictory statements were issued by Imran Khan himself, and politicians from his political party, after Khan survived a shooting at a political rally in Wazirabad on November 3, leading to social media users asking exactly how Khan was injured. “Khan after receiving four bullets on his legs, the fighter, the survivor,” wrote one Twitter user. The video he posted received over 19,000 views. While some Twitter accounts questioned if four bullets had indeed hit the politician. “Totally conf...